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Emotions and Society Volume 1, issue 1, coming in May2019 Editors-in-Chief Mary Holmes, University of Edinburgh, UK Åsa Wettergren, Gothenburg University, Sweden Managing Editors Nathan Manning, University of Adelaide, Australi Bristol University Pressis pleased to announce an exciting new journal for 2019, Emotions and Society. Aims and Scope Emotions and Society aims to publish high-quality, […]
Editors: Scribano, Adrian, Lisdero, Pedro (Eds.) This volume provides a multidisciplinary perspective on a set of transformations in social practices that modify the meaning of everyday interactions, and especially those that affect the world of labour. The book is composed of two types of texts: some dedicated to exploring the modifications of labour in the […]
Desde el Programa de Estudios sobre Acción Colectiva y Conflicto Social expresamos nuestro repudio, denuncia y pedido de justicia ante la muerte de Héctor Corvalán. Hacemos nuestro y reproducimos a continuación el comunicado del Colectivo de Investigación Ecología Política del Sur: Como colectivo de investigación Ecología Política del Sur (Citca-Conicet) expresamos nuestra profunda indignación por […]